My name is Sheeva Moshiri, I am an author, creative director of SHEEVA London fine jewellery, a mental health and chronic pain advocate based in Monaco and London. My first book, The Cupid Index (semi-autobiographical) romantic comedy was self-published in 2021, it's currently selling on Amazon, and the signed version is on my website. I’m working alongside a scriptwriter and producers in LA, contracts have been signed and we are working on the final draft, we are unable to announce anything further until the script is finished.
SHEEVA LONDON was established in 2013. I express my emotions, journeys, character through my work, be it creating jewellery, writing a book, an article, journaling or even writing an animated email. I include my passions, dreams, desires, alter egos in all my work. The jewellery is split into two collections, Spirituality Is My Religion and Amor Vincit Omnia. The first one is more edgy, gothic, and spiritual with a touch of gothicism. The other is also spiritual, it’s romantic and bohemian chic.
SHEEVA London His + Hers Fine Jewellery
I feel that being an artist is both a blessing and a curse, I go through phases where I suffer from writer’s block, or may be feeling less inspired than other moments. Writing and designing are cathartic. I first started writing poetry when I was sixteen as a way to evacuate the overwhelming emotions. Mental Health is a lonely and scary journey, I often share my struggles openly on social media which I was taking a long break from until a few days ago, every now and again I need to detox. Sometimes I go off radar for longer periods, a few summers ago I took a a year off to focus on my mental health and wellbeing. Every so often, it gets too much for me and I need a break, despite social media being a fundamental platform when it comes to work, health comes first.
I work on my second book on and off, it’s on Invisible Demons: Anxiety, Depression, Spasmophilia, Chronic Migraines, Chronic Pain such as Fibromyalgia, PTSD, ADHD, IBS, of which I suffer from. It’s autobiographical and takes the reader on a journey of the ups and downs of living with obstacles, whilst trying to still make it as an artist at the age of forty-three. Whilst researching Service Dogs, I discovered how the US is so much more advanced than everywhere else. After months of dead ends, I found an organisation in Ireland that offer online courses in self-training one’s puppy or dog into becoming a psychiatric assistance dog. Although not as significant as an Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) certificate, it's a step closer to having my 1.8kg Korean teacup Maltese Leo in my arms, in times of need, and that without this certificate he would be denied entry. This takes me to my other work, Korean Teacup Puppies.
With my service dog, teacup Maltese Leo
You can follow my journey here and on my on social media platforms.